326 Free Yoga Stock Videos

All yoga stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Healthy Lifestyle, Woman, Relaxation, Meditation, Relax, International Womens Day and Meditate.

Woman meditating with her dog in the sunset

Woman meditating with her dog, with a beautiful view of the city during the sunset.

Deserted plain with a campfire and a woman practicing yoga

Campfire in the foreground surrounded by many rocks right in front of a woman in a dress, doing yoga stretches, in the middle of a large desert with mountains in the distance, and the sky covered with clouds.

Girl meditating in yoga pose at sunset

Girl meditating in yoga pose with a view towards a big city, during the sunset.

Couple meditation on a peaceful beach

Couple meditating sitting on the sand of a peaceful and sunny beach, near a peninsula with a rocky archipelago.

Girl meditating under the wind in the desert

Wind in a wide desert moving the fabric of a woman's dress, sitting on the ground peacefully meditating in yoga pose.

Silhouette of a woman doing yoga at sunset

A woman against the light doing a meditation pose while on the ground during sunset, the shot rises and changes the focus towards the horizon full of hills that fade the further away they are.

Girl meditating in yoga pose in a park

Girl smiling while meditating in yoga pose in a park with people, grass, trees and birds during a sunny afternoon.

Woman doing yoga outdoors

Woman on a mat doing yoga in nature on top of the grass, during sunset.

Couple meditating on the sand on a beach

Man and woman meditating sitting on the sand on a sunny and calm beach, outlined by a hill covered with lots of vegetation.

Face of a woman meditating on a sunny beach

Face of a woman meditating on a sunny beach, breathing slow and deep and moving her neck, with a small hill covered in blurry vegetation behind.

The silhouette of a woman at sunrise

Close-up shot of the silhouette of a woman breathing and meditating on a beach and the sunrise in the background.

Girl with her arms in the air while doing yoga in a desert

Girl in red clothes, doing yoga stretching her arms in the air, in the middle of an immense plain in a desert, with mountains around.

Hands of a woman yoga position on the land of a desert

Hands of a woman sitting in a yoga position on the ground, wearing a red dress and a blue pashmina that the wind slowly blows.

Young woman meditating in prayer pose in the middle of a desert

Young woman in prayer pose while meditating peacefully in the middle of a great desert with mountains around, while the air moves her clothes and hair.

Woman meditating sitting in a desert

Young woman wearing a red dress with a blue cloth around it, sitting on the ground of a desert plane, surrounded by rocks and the wind moving her clothes.

Woman meditating in nature

Woman meditating in nature under the sun, sitting on a huge rock in the heights in yoga pose and with her eyes closed.

Profile face of a woman meditating in a desert

Profile face of a woman meditating with closed eyes, under the sunset sun, in a great desert, and the wind blowing her hair and clothes.

Yoga practice between three people

Yoga practice between two women and a man doing the same position side by side in a quiet room overlooking a garden.

Face of a woman while the wind moves her hair

Face of a woman with her eyes closed in a closed shot, with makeup and some tree leaves painted in the hundreds, while the seeing moves her hair, with the sky in the background.

Woman meditating high up in nature

Woman meditating high up in nature, raising her hands while breathing, sitting in praying pose, on a sunny day.

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