824 Free Kitchen Stock Videos

All kitchen stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Cooking, Food Preparation, Food, Chef, Cook, Close Up and Profession.

Man in a suit works from the kitchen

Bearded man dressed in black suit and white shirt, while typing on a laptop on a kitchen table.

Girl eating salad in her kitchen dining room

Young woman eating salad in the dining room of her kitchen, with the stove behind and a glass of water, a plate with a sandwich and a tray with fruit.

Ingredients for a healthy breakfast

Supplies exposed on a wooden table in the kitchen. In it there are bananas, strawberries, eggs, white bread, milk, jam.

Woman flipping her egg omelet

Close up shot of a woman flipping her egg omelet for breakfast.

Couple having breakfast cereal and see their cell phones

Couple sitting in a kitchen eating cereal in a bowl and watching their social networks on their cell phones.

Mother and daughters in a kitchen dancing

A couple of girls with their mother in a kitchen dancing and jumping, while cleaning.

Ingredients to prepare Ceviche

Ingredients for a Ceviche dish, with fish, chili, lemons, onion and spices on a table with a turquoise tablecloth.

Person cutting banana for a fruit cocktail

Person cutting banana on top of a wooden board, surrounded by all kinds of fruit, while depositing the slices in a bowl with more chopped fruit.

An upset couple arguing

Couple arguing annoyed inside a kitchen with the man seen from behind.

Frying diced bacon in a skillet

Close-up shot of a stove while a person frying diced bacon in a skillet.

Pastry chef decorating a cake with edible pearls

Pro elderly pastry chef, decorating a small white bitumen cake by putting small colored edible pearls on it, on a rotating metal platform.

Pastry chef covering a cake with white icing

Close-up of the preparation of a small cake, by an expert pastry chef, smearing white bitumen on top to finish covering it.

Revolving restaurant in a city

Time lapse of a revolving restaurant on top of a building with a city lights view

Expert pastry chef covering a cake with icing

Preparation of a cake by an experienced pastry chef, skillfully coating it with icing on a metal turntable.

Preparing a bowl with yogurt and fruit

Preparing a bowl with yogurt and assorted freshly chopped fruit on a wooden board, such as strawberry, mango, blackberry, and kiwi.

Putting the filling in the preparation of a cake

Very close view of the preparation of a cake by putting the filling with a pastry bag on one of the bread floors of the cake.

Distra pastry chef putting bitumen on a cake

Expert pastry chef spreading icing with a pastry bag onto a slowly rotating cake on a round rotating surface.

Woman serving eggs in a pan for breakfast

Woman serving eggs in a pan for breakfast in her kitchen in the morning.

Waiter serving meat stew in a restaurant

Waiter serving pieces of meat on a plate in a restaurant bar, with many people sitting.

Spreading cheese on a pizza

Person preparing a pizza while spreading grated cheese on the sauce-filled dough.

Young woman eating healthy

Woman during a healthy meal, taking salad with a fork with a glass of water.

Pastry chef putting filling in a cake

A professional pastry chef skillfully spreading filling to a cake on a metal turntable in a close up of the cake.

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