262 Free Chef Stock Videos

All chef stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Food Preparation, Cooking, Cook, Profession, Food, Kitchen and Close Up.

Ingredients to prepare Ceviche

Ingredients for a Ceviche dish, with fish, chili, lemons, onion and spices on a table with a turquoise tablecloth.

Frying diced bacon in a skillet

Close-up shot of a stove while a person frying diced bacon in a skillet.

Pastry chef decorating a cake with edible pearls

Pro elderly pastry chef, decorating a small white bitumen cake by putting small colored edible pearls on it, on a rotating metal platform.

Pastry chef covering a cake with white icing

Close-up of the preparation of a small cake, by an expert pastry chef, smearing white bitumen on top to finish covering it.

Revolving restaurant in a city

Time lapse of a revolving restaurant on top of a building with a city lights view

Expert pastry chef covering a cake with icing

Preparation of a cake by an experienced pastry chef, skillfully coating it with icing on a metal turntable.

Putting the filling in the preparation of a cake

Very close view of the preparation of a cake by putting the filling with a pastry bag on one of the bread floors of the cake.

Distra pastry chef putting bitumen on a cake

Expert pastry chef spreading icing with a pastry bag onto a slowly rotating cake on a round rotating surface.

Waiter serving meat stew in a restaurant

Waiter serving pieces of meat on a plate in a restaurant bar, with many people sitting.

Spreading cheese on a pizza

Person preparing a pizza while spreading grated cheese on the sauce-filled dough.

Pastry chef putting filling in a cake

A professional pastry chef skillfully spreading filling to a cake on a metal turntable in a close up of the cake.

Pastry chef putting the filling on a cake

Expert pastry chef spreading filling on one of the layers of a cake with a spatula on a rotating surface, in a very close shot.

Close shot of a pastry chef preparing a cake

Takes close to a cake while it is prepared by an expert pastry chef, serving a mixture on top spreading with a spoon.

Covering a cake with icing in a close shot

Close-up shot of a small cake being prepared as a pastry chef coats it in white icing on a small turntable.

Pastry woman making a mix in a bowl

Hands of an elderly female pastry chef, mixing with a plastic spatula in a metal bowl, in a very close shot.

Pastry chef filling a piping bag

Senior pastry chef filling a pastry bag with pie filling, helping it with a plastic spatula, in a close up shot.

Pizza while someone takes a slice

Image of a pepperoni pizza on a table while someone's hand takes a slice.

Cook mixing flour for a dough

Hands of an experienced cook mixing a lot of flour on a table for a pizza dough.

Pastry chef passing a mixture to a blender

Professional pastry chef transferring a frosting mixture from a metal bowl to a mixer with a spatula, in a very close shot.

Smearing sauce on the pizza

Cook spreading sauce on a pizza dough before putting it in the oven in the kitchen.

Close up shot of a freshly made hot pizza

Close-up shot of a freshly made hot pizza being placed in its box by a pizzeria worker.

Whisk spinning, in a very close shot

A mixer mixing a cake icing, inside a large metal container in a very close view with a slow pan from side to side.

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