95 Free Bus Stock Videos

All bus stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Fashion, Urban Trendy, Model, Traffic, City, Transport and Trendy.

Traffic in an underground tunnel

Time lapse of traffic in an underground tun in a city with tall buildings at night.

Busy street in the city

Fast motion shot of a busy street with people and cars crossing in the city

City street with trolleybus at night

Street of a city with old buildings people walking on the sidewalks, cars and trolleybuses passing on the street, at night.

Conceptual urban fashion

Three urban models posing and hanging out inside a bus with neon lights in a conceptual video.

Ride through the streets of London

Viewpoint of a vehicle that runs through the City of London with skyscrapers and traffic on its streets.

Aerial view of a busy city at night

Aerial view of a city with a lot of movement and lights during the night, in a slow journey, with a view of a large avenue with cars that pass very quickly.

Street of a city at night with cars and a truck

Street of a big city at night with cars and a truck with the lights on, traveling fast.

Movement in a large avenue at night in Timelapse

Movement on a large avenue with many lanes in a city, at night in Timelapse, shot from above a pole in the middle.

Traffic on a freeway

Traffic on a freeway next to a bicycle path in the morning.

The surroundings of Notre Dame Cathedral

Panoramic view of the surroundings of the Notre Dame Cathedral during a sunny afternoon. Cars pass through the street and large clusters of people walk along the sidewalk and cross the river.

Timelapse of an avenue at night in a shot from above

Timelapse of a large avenue with many cars, in a city at night, seen from a slowly rising aerial shot from above.

Informal economy in Istanbul

View from the ground of an Istanbul street on a sunny day, with focus on the back of a street vendor with a red cart, with cars behind, people walking from side to side, and buildings in the background.

Interior of a bus with a few young passengers

Interior of a bus at night, illuminated with colored party lights, with a few urban model passengers.

Inside a bus with a few people

Inside view of a bus traveling at night, illuminated with colored neon light bars, with a few people traveling.

Large buildings from the window of a train

City of tall buildings seen from the window of a moving train, during a sunny afternoon.

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