240 Free Cargo Stock Videos

All cargo stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Cargo Ship, Transport, Business, Industrial, Freight Truck, Industry and Crane.

Flight getting ready for departure

Flight preparing for departure. Airport workers prepare a plane for takeoff while passengers enter the aisle.

Workers moving containers from a cargo ship

Tokyo industrial port as workers move containers from a cargo ship, on a cloudy afternoon, in the background you can see the river with ships sailing.

Large container area working at night

Large container area in operation during the night. Useful for video creators aiming to provide a glimpse into the efficient workings of cargo transportation.

Lake full of boats

View of a lake in Canada full of boats with hills around during a cloudy afternoon.

Cargo ship full of containers

Cargo ship full of multi-colored containers at the unloading dock, in the background the blue sky with clouds and container cranes

Trailers on a foggy road

White trailers and trucks on a foggy road during the morning.

Cranes working on unloading dock

A cargo ship is being unloaded at the docks by large blue cranes, in the background the blue sky

Staff preparing passenger plane for take-off

Airport staff preparing a passenger plane that is parked before takeoff. Commercial plane being prepared for departure at an airport with passengers entering it by the mobile bridge.

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