929 Free Holiday Stock Videos

All holiday stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Halloween, Celebration, Close Up, Horror, Christmas, Portrait and Holidays.

Ocean waves bursting on the shore of the coast

Ocean waves bursting on the shore of sand and rocks on a clear day

Creepy ghost nun walking looking at the camera

Horrifying ghost nun walking down a dark corridor staring terrifyingly at the camera.

Fireworks at night sky

Colorful fireworks during a dark night.

People walking on the snowy summit

People walking on the snowy summit, hiding down the slope between two pine trees, with the horizon in front supported by clouds below, on a sunny day.

POV of a basket of Easter eggs

POV of a basket of decorated Easter eggs on a blanket at a picnic as girls search for more eggs.

Silhouette of a person with horns and robe under a red light

Silhouette of a mysterious person with a long robe and large horns on his head, opening his arms at the entrance to another room lit in red.

Flight getting ready for departure

Flight preparing for departure. Airport workers prepare a plane for takeoff while passengers enter the aisle.

Face of a terrifying ghost nun

Face of a terrifying ghost nun laughing maliciously, turning to look at the lens afterwards, under a red light.

Bloody zombie walking

Bloody zombie walking slowly down the corridor of a mental hospital on a Halloween night.

People skiing on the snow

People skiing in the snow with spikes in their hands on a slope.

Eastern egg picnic in the garden

A woman and a little girl having an eastern egg picnic in the garden. The little girl points with her finger where did she finds her eastern egg reward

Little girl next to baskets of Easter eggs

Little girl next to baskets of decorated Easter eggs at a picnic during the holiday in her garden.

Hand takes a chocolate bunny from beneath the bush

Close-up shot of a hand taking a little chocolate bunny covered in gold packaging from beneath a bush in the backyard garden

Valentine's Day Ornaments Concept Video

Heart-shaped Valentine's Day decorations hanging from a transparent thread viewed in detailed shot.

Sneaky robed person with arms up under a red light

Hooded person from behind in a worn and torn robe, arms up, on the other side of a wooden door under a red light.

A busy elegant bar

Elegant bar with customers ordering drinks and spending a good time seen from the bar with the bars tender and the waiters attending people.

Running scared down a hospital hall at night

Scared man and woman running down an empty hospital hall at night, during an urban exploration.

Girls leaving Easter eggs in baskets

A couple of girls leaving colored Easter eggs in a couple of baskets during the holiday in their garden with their mom.

White luxury boutique hotel room

White luxury boutique hotel room with an entrance to the swimming pool area.

Mysterious people in robes in an old building at night

Strange person in a tunic and horns, leaning outside in the stone frame of the entrance to a room lit red from the inside, in an old building at night, when suddenly a thunder falls that illuminates the darkness of a corridor, revealing a man in a tunic in the background.

Tourists skiing on a snowy slope in Canada

Tourists skiing on a snowy slope with pine trees and a cable car, on a sunny day.

Portrait of a nun on Halloween

Portrait of a woman in a dead nun costume looking at the camera with white makeup on her face.

Scared young woman in a haunted house

A young woman is suddenly startled as she explores a fancy haunted house with a flashlight in the dead of night.

Woman is scared by a ghost nun

Woman is frightened when she realizes that she is stalked by a terrifying ghost nun.

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