42 Free PC Stock Videos

All pc stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Computer, Gaming, Technology, Fun, Hobby, RGB and Headphones.

A young woman with kitty headphones enjoys a gaming session on pc gaming set up

Immersed in the captivating world of gaming, a young woman dons adorable kitty headphones as she dives into an exhilarating session on her meticulously set up PC gaming rig.

A young woman with kitty headphones seated in front of the computer monitor is visibly frustrated

A young woman with headphones, adorned with cute feline ears, is seated in front of the computer monitor. Her expressive face tells a story of visible frustration, accentuated by a furrowed brow and a slight pout.

A young woman wearing headphones with RGB lights suddenly gets disappointed in front of the gaming computer

A young woman, fully immersed in the gaming world, is adorned with headphones featuring mesmerizing RGB lights that pulse and shift in vibrant hues. As she engages in the digital realm on her gaming computer, the room is filled with the rhythmic glow from the colorful lights, creating an electrifying atmosphere. However, her face transforms from excitement to visible disappointment in a sudden shift of emotions.

A young woman wearing a white hoodie and RGB headphones in front of the gaming computer

A young woman, donned in a cozy white hoodie, sits with focused intent in front of her high-powered gaming computer. Adorning her head are striking RGB headphones that seamlessly blend with the futuristic aesthetic of her gaming setup.

A young woman wearing a hoodie puts on her headphones to start playing video games in front of the pc rig

A hoodie-clad young woman eagerly dons her headphones, signaling the start of her gaming session in front of a sleek PC rig. The soft hum of LEDs illuminates the room as she immerses herself in the virtual world, a fusion of comfort and technology.

A young woman with white headphones adorned with cute feline ears smiles a rejoice in front of the pc rig

A young woman, sporting a content smile, revels in joy in front of her PC rig. Her white headphones, charmingly adorned with cute feline ears, frame her face, adding a playful touch to her expression of satisfaction.

The hands on an intense gaming session move the mouse and type in the keyboard

In the midst of an intense gaming session with RGB ambient lighting, the hands move with a seamless blend of precision and agility, navigating the mouse with swift, purposeful gestures and typing on the keyboard with a rhythmic cadence.

Camera hovers over a hand on a backlit keyboard

Positioned with intent above the keys, fingers poised in anticipation, it hovers momentarily before descending with purpose. The backlight accentuates the contours of each key, casting a gentle radiance that adds an ethereal quality to the scene.

A young man with a streaming microphone over the desktop plays video games in front of the computer monitor

A young man with a sleek, black streaming microphone suspended over the desktop enthusiastically engages in the immersive world of video games, his focused gaze fixed on the high-resolution computer monitor.

A young man prepares for a video game session by putting his headphones on

A young man, fueled by anticipation, meticulously readies himself for an intense video game session. With deliberate movements, he reaches for his state-of-the-art headphones, adjusting them snugly over his ears to drown out the ambient noise and immerse himself fully in the upcoming gaming experience.

A young man in front of the computer screen celebrates a video game victory

A young blonde man, bathed in the soft glow of the computer screen, erupts in exuberance as he celebrates a hard-fought victory in his video game.

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