157 Free Leisure Stock Videos

All leisure stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Childhood, Woman, Fun, Outdoor, Vacation, Enjoy and Lake.

A liitle girl with pink helmet rides a bike in the park

A little girl wearing a pink helmet learning how to ride a bike in the park. The camera follows a little girl slowly riding a bike in the park.

Father and son throwing rocks at the lake

Scene of a father and son bonding while throwing rocks at a serene lake.

A little girl cruises through the forest path on her bike

A little wearing a pink security helmet and denim overall discovers the art of cycling amidst the serene park, as the camera captures her graceful progress.

A little girl learning how to ride a bike with the help of her dad

Close-up shot of a little girl wearing a pink helmet and purple sunglasses smiling while her dad gently pushes her through the park path.

A little girl runs trough the forest to greet her dog

A little girl wearing a pink helmet and denim overall runs through the forest to find her little brown dog and then she pets him on the back.

A young father teaching his little daughter how to ride a bike

The camera follows a young father pushing the bike of her little daughter wearing a pink security helmet and denim overall and then celebrates the achievement with the forest path in the background.

A young girl focuses on riding a bike while her father helps her

A young father pushes the bike of her little daughter wearing a pink security helmet and a denim overall with the forest trees in the background.

Kids having fun at the arcade shop

Little children of mixed races enjoy the video games at the arcade shop in the morning. Kid playing a car racing game at the arcade Shop.

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