630 Free Waves Stock Videos

All waves stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Wave, Beach, Sea, Seashore, Water, Ocean and Nature.

Bright orange sunset on beach

Palm trees on beach with a bright sunset.

Waves coming to the beach

Shore of a beach while the small waves of the sea arrive creating white foam on the sand, on a clear day and the horizon in the background as a straight line that separates the sea from the sky.

Ocean waves bursting on the shore of the coast

Ocean waves bursting on the shore of sand and rocks on a clear day

Sea waves in a little bay

Top aerial shot of sea waves in a little bay with mountains full of trees.

Palm tree in front of the sun

A palm tree stands in water, the sun setting or rising in the background.

Coast landscape, aerial shot

Aerial shot of a coastal landscape with sea waves in the sandy beach near the mountains.

Sun setting or rising over palm trees

The sun sets or rises behind large palm trees, a calm ocean in front of them.

Sun over hills

The sun sets or rises over hills, a body of water beneath them.

Beautiful aerial shot of beach shore

Beautiful aerial motion shot of a beach shore landscape with sea waves, sand, shore rocks, mountains, greenery, clear sky and a dazzling sunset.

Natural seashore landscape

The sea meets a beach surrounded by green cliffs, barely any human structures in sight, a clear sky in the background.

Sunrise on the ocean

The sun rises on the sea, waves crashing on the shore.


A person paddle boarding, one bird flying across the clear sky in the background.

Water drops creating ripples

Drops of water fall on more water, creating splashes and ripples.

Waves on the sand of a sunny beach

Close view of the small and gentle waves arriving on the sand of a beach with an archipelago, during a sunny afternoon.

Aerial shot of a small isthmus

Aerial shot of a small isthmus on a sunny afternoon, with two small beaches and a couple of hills on the sides covered with trees and vegetation.

A seagull and a boat at sea in slow motion

Seagull standing on a rock and an empty boat at sea in slow motion. Abandoned boat near a seagull.

Tree reflected in a pond

Green tree reflected in a pond with water waves and a fish.

Rocky cape seen from above

Aerial view above a rocky cape, with the sea breaking on the rocks at its base, with a couple of people standing on the shore, during a bright afternoon.

Sun reflections and gentle waves in the beach

Serene beach as the sun's warm rays dance upon the gentle waves, creating mesmerizing reflections.

Empty sea seen from the beach

Blue sea seen from the sea, with green mountains and clear sky in the background.

Female silhouette on the beach

A young woman with long hair walks on the beach in front of a setting or rising sun causing only her silhouette to be visible.

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