1256 Free Glasses Stock Videos

All glasses stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Drink, Close Up, Glass, Alcohol, VR Glasses, Woman and Man.

Reflection of a screen in glasses

A person wears glasses while looking at a screen, the screen is reflected in the glasses.

Drawing a heart on a foggy window on a rainy day

Detailed focus on a foggy window during the rain outside, while a person draws a heart with his finger, and on the other side the leaves of a tree are blurred moving in the wind.

Portrait of a woman in a pool

A woman with black hair wearing sunglasses in a blue outdoor pool. A girl getting a tan in summer.

A man sitting beneath laser lights in cyberpunk glasses

A man donning cyberpunk glasses, illuminated by neon laser lights as he dances in a dimly lit room.

Man in cyberpunk outfit stands under laser lights

Laser lights dance of cyberpunk dancer as he stands under neon lasers.

Young teacher teaching complicated equations

Young teacher dressed in a suit, teaching advanced calculus equations on a blackboard, then looks at the camera and smiles.

Pouring red wine from a bottle, very close view

A persons hand pouring red wine straight from a bottle viewed very closely into a glass goblet, on a black background.

Thoughtful woman with glasses

Woman wearing glasses deep in thought. Explore the concept of overthinking and the power of introspection as she contemplates various ideas and perspectives.

Posing under neon laser lights

A dark room with a man wearing cyberpunk glasses squatting while neon laser lights dances around him.

Scientist in a laboratory preparing a sample

Scientist in a lab coat and gloves preparing a sample from a test tube to put under a microscope.

Filling a mug with beer on a dark background

Serving beer in a mug from a glass bottle, while lathering and spilling over the rim, on a dark background.

Blue lasers illuminate a man wearing futuristic glasses

Man performs adance under blue lasers wearing illuminated glasses over a black background

Bartender serving beer from a tap looking down at his hands

Hands of a bartender pouring beer into a glass straight from a tap, which when filled tightly closes the tap, viewed up close with the wall out of focus in the background.

People walking down an airport corridor in fast motion

People walking in the corridor of an airport in fast motion, in the background a large window with a metal structure

Electronic cyberpunk mask under neon lights

Dancer wearing an electronic mask captivatingly dancers under the allure of laser lights.

Neon lasers light up a cyberpunk dancer

Neon laser lights move slowly over the silhouette of a man in cyberpunk outfit.

Close up of cyberpunk glasses with neon laser lights

Vertical video of a man in a dark room wearing cyberpunk glasses with neon laser lights dancing off him.

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