63 Free Easter Bunny Stock Videos

All easter bunny stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Easter, Easter Egg, Holiday, Rabbit, Girl, Holidays and Family.

POV of a basket of Easter eggs

POV of a basket of decorated Easter eggs on a blanket at a picnic as girls search for more eggs.

Eastern egg picnic in the garden

A woman and a little girl having an eastern egg picnic in the garden. The little girl points with her finger where did she finds her eastern egg reward

Little girl next to baskets of Easter eggs

Little girl next to baskets of decorated Easter eggs at a picnic during the holiday in her garden.

Hand takes a chocolate bunny from beneath the bush

Close-up shot of a hand taking a little chocolate bunny covered in gold packaging from beneath a bush in the backyard garden

Girls leaving Easter eggs in baskets

A couple of girls leaving colored Easter eggs in a couple of baskets during the holiday in their garden with their mom.

Little girls looking for eastern eggs in the garden

Little girls look for eastern egg rewards in the garden. A little girl follows her friend to the eastern egg reward in the backyard garden

Little girl laying in the grass enjoying a chocolate bunny

A birds eye view shot of a little girl laying in the grass while eating a chocolate bunnie. A Little girl wearing a flower pattern dresss smiles to the camera while eating a chocolate.

Little girl eating easter egg chocolate in the garden

A little girl in the garden shows off her chocolate easter egg reward and then eats it with joy. Vertical shot of a little girl eating chocolate

Little girl finds an easter egg in the garden

A little girl runs toward the garden bushes and finds a blue eastern egg. The little girl runs with joy after finding an eastern egg hidden in the bushes of the garden.

Little girl with bunny tiara in the garden

Vertical video of a little girl wearing a bunny in search for an eastern egg reward. Little girl searching for easter egg rewards in the garden.

Little girl searching for an easter egg surprise in the garden bush

Close up shot of little girl looking for an easter egg reward in the backyard bush. A little girl wearing a bunny tiara looks for an easter reward in the garden.

Girls lying between Easter eggs

Happy girls lying on the grass in a garden during Easter day surrounded by decorated eggs of different colors.

Blue Easter egg being found

A blue decorated Easter egg in the branches of a tree is found by a girl who is looking for eggs.

Little girl showing easter eggs

A little girl wearing bunny ears shows decorated Easter eggs to the camera.

Very happy little girl on Easter day

A girl wearing white bunny ears is lying on the grass with decorated Easter eggs as she smiles and looks up at the sky.

Filling a basket with Easter eggs

A couple of girls looking for Easter eggs putting the eggs they find in a basket in a garden.

A mother and her daughters celebrating Easter

A mother and her two daughters wearing bunny ears celebrating Easter during a picnic in a park during a holiday.

Two little girls eat their easter egg surprise

Two little girls enjoy the chocolate reward from the easter eggs with their mom watching in the background. Girls enjoy chocolate bunnies in the backyard garden

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