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Shore of a beach while the small waves of the sea arrive creating white foam on the sand, on a clear day and the horizon in the background as a straight line that separates the sea from the sky.
Beautiful landscape in a large lake, flying low, passing between its small tree-covered islands, and revealing the yellow reflection of the sunset sun in the water, and on the horizon the silhouettes of an immense mountain range.
In a mesmerizing time-lapse, fluffy clouds peacefully drift across the expansive blue sky, accompanied by the majestic presence of cacti and desert like mountains in the background.
A simple wooden pier stands over a body of water, seagulls standing on the wooden floor, a small boat at the end of the pier, small hills and a clear blue sky in the background.
Small boat traveling in the water of a large turquoise blue lake, with islands and formations, and in the background large hills covering the bottom, seen from the sky.