59 Free Rainy Stock Videos

All rainy stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Rain, Close Up, Raining, Umbrella, Water Drop, Weather and Forest.

Very close shot of the leaves of a tree wet with rain

Green leaves of a tree being wet by rain that falls slowly by moving them slightly, seen in a very close shot.

Rain falling on the water of a lake seen up close

Raindrops falling on the water of a lake seen in a close-up shot in slow motion, creating round ripples on the surface.

Gloomy forest full of trees during a rainy afternoon

Dark, gloomy and humid forest, with many trees and covered with vegetation and mist, during a rainy afternoon.

Rain falling from the roof on a rainy day

Rain falling from the roof on a rainy day with unfocused forest background

Rain wetting the leaves of a tree in the garden

Leaves of a tree with a couple of branches, small fruits and a few yellow flowers, being wet in the rain.

Rain in the wild

Raindrops falling on the leaves of a plant with the background blurred in slow motion.

Window on a rainy day

A glass with raindrops on a rainy day reveals the traffic lights on the other side.

Traffic on a rainy night

New York street on a rainy night, the asphalt reflects the lights, while cars, motorcycles, taxis and people pass by.

Sunset over train tracks

Sun setting over train tracks in the city, with power lines on one side and trees on the other.

Raindrops on green leaves

Raindrops falling from the green leaves of a tree on a wet day.

Cabin on rainy day

Country house with roof of tiles on a cloudy rainy day, seen from below.

Rain in a fountain, slow motion shot

Rain in a fountain, slow motion shot. Water drops falling in the water.

Raindrops falling from tile roof

Rain on tiled roof of a house on a rainy day.

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