122 Free Galaxy Stock Videos

All galaxy stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Space, Cosmos, Universe, Cosmic, Star, Stars and Astronomy.

Full moon with a soft haze

Full moon with a soft haze standing in the sky on a dark night.

Yellow northern lights in Norway

Aurora borealis. Yellow northern lights in Norway on a night with clear sky.

Spectacular fluorescent colored nebulae in universe

Stunning fluorescent colored nebulae found in the vast expanse of the universe. Perfect as a captivating background for astronomy-related content, or as an intriguing title/intro for any project.

Traveling between the stars and nebulae

3D animation showcasing the journey of traveling between stars and nebulae. Explore the vastness of space and witness the beauty of celestial bodies.

Exploring the cosmos

3D animation about the vastness of the universe displaying stunning nebulas and cosmic phenomena.

Shapes in space of a supernova

Abstract view of an apparent collision of stars in the void of dark space, surrounded by a residual yellow cloud and stars.

Many stars in the night sky

Many stars in the clear night sky with the silhouette of mountains below.

Overlapping spatial images abstract video

Superimposed images of red and blue stars, planets, lights and spiral clouds in a concept video.

Infinite space covered in stars and galaxies with gradient colors

View into infinite space in dark gradient colors, blues and yellows, covered in stars, and galaxies everywhere.

The moon and the stars at sea

Time lapse of the sea with the moon and stars moving slowly and with ferries passing from side to side.

Abstract video of space covered by a nebula and stars

Nebulae in blue and lilac colors, surrounded by stars on all sides, of different sizes and intensities, under an abstract video superimposed in a red liquid shape.

Northern Lights in the night sky

Northern lights shine on the water and in the sky with many colors in the night sky, mountains in the background

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