291 Free World Stock Videos

All world stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Earth, 3D Animation, Cancer, World Cancer Day, Health, Healthcare and Holiday.

Landscape of a mountain range

Upper shot of a mountainous horizon on a sunny day, the mountains are rocky, at its base there are shades of green by vegetation, and at the top with white spots from the snow.

Matterhorn Mountain Landscape

Landscape of the snowy mountain of Matterhorn during a night with stars in the sky and lights of mountaineers climbing the mountain.

Video of the Earth slowly spinning on it's axis

Video of the Earth spinning slowly, half illuminated by the sun with the other showing the lights of cities at night

Point of view from a bus passenger seat roading in a highway

Point of view from a bus passenger seat roading in a highway surrounded by dirt trees and bushes on a sunny day.

Milky way seen at night

Milky Way seen in the clear sky on a star-filled night with mountain silhouettes at the bottom of the video.

World map in a digital world

Animation of the world map in the digital age, with lines of code moving vertically across

Clouds under the atmosphere

Upper view of clouds in Earth's atmosphere. It provides a unique view of the cloudy formations that shape our planet's weather patterns.

Sun setting over a garden

Timelapse of the sun setting over a garden in the hills with clouds in motion.

Earth globe rotating on a dark background

Earth globe spinning rapidly on a dark background, seen up close at the top, while gradually slowing down.

3D rendering of planet earth rotating in space

3D rendering of planet Earth rotating in the vastness of space. Explore the beauty of our globe as it spins, offering a view of our planet from a celestial perspective.

Ancient map of the world in the dark lit by candlelight

Ancient map of the world, with lines and letters, placed on a surface in the dark with a magnifying glass and a couple of candles illuminating.

Man in front of a computer while using Google Earth

Silhouette of a man with glasses on his back, to one side of the shot, looking straight ahead at a computer monitor while locating a specific area in Google Earth.

Hand turning a luminous earth globe in the dark

Person spinning a world globe illuminated in the dark with a black background, and the person's hand to the side.

World map, pan shot

Detailed world map, from America to Asia.

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