205 Free Healthcare Stock Videos

All healthcare stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Healthy Lifestyle, Exercise, Woman, Health, Fitness, Training and Wellness.

Muscular man exercising with weights in a gym

Muscular man exercising, lifting a barbell with weights, in a gym with all kinds of weights on racks behind the man.

Strong woman training weightlifting in a gym

Strong woman with sports clothes, training weightlifting, in a gym with stationary bikes and a couple of shelves with many weights of all kinds.

Face of a sweaty man in a gym

Face of an exhausted and sweaty man working out in a gym, looking towards the camera after wiping the sweat from his forehead with his hand.

Strong man exercising with a barbell

Strong man working out in a gym, doing repetitions with a dumbbell, with a rack behind him with many dumbbells of various types.

Couple gives a hi five after running

Man and woman celebrating, high-fiving, exhausted after finishing running in a park with trees.

Face of a tired woman after exercising

Face of a young woman with a ponytail, tired and sweaty after exercising in a gym, wiping the sweat with her hand.

Muscular woman exercising with a kettlebell

Muscular woman doing repetitions with a kettlebell, when exercising in a gym with many weights of all kinds, in a shot at her feet that slowly rises to her face.

Man doing pull ups wearing face mask

Man with a face mask exercising his body with the tubes of an outdoor gym in a sunny park.

Woman and man doing squats together in a gym

Athletic woman and man in sportswear doing squats side by side in a gym with equipment and lots of weights of all kinds.

Strong man exercising with a kettlebell

Strong man exercising with a kettlebell in a gym with many and all kinds of weights, in a shot of his legs that slowly rises to his face.

Strong man doing sit-ups with a barbell

Strong and athletic man hanging with his hands from a bar to start doing sit-ups by raising his legs, in a gym.

Portrait of an exhausted and happy woman in a gym

Portrait of an exhausted athletic woman after working out in a gym, wiping off sweat with her hand and then turning and smiling happily at the camera.

Man and a woman gym-goers stretching

Athletic and strong woman and man, sitting on the floor while stretching together, in a gym with equipment and weights of all kinds.

Yoga practice between three people

Yoga practice between two women and a man doing the same position side by side in a quiet room overlooking a garden.

Muscular man exercising with a dumbbell

Muscular man exercising doing repetitions with a dumbbell, changing hands each time, in a gym with equipment.

Woman meditating high up in nature

Woman meditating high up in nature, raising her hands while breathing, sitting in praying pose, on a sunny day.

Man putting chalk on hands for push-ups

Fitness man putting chalk on his hands before hanging with his hands from a bar and doing push-ups in a gym.

Portrait of a man breathing while meditating

Portrait of a young man meditating with his eyes closed, while breathing peacefully with both hands resting on his chest.

Young woman exercising in a gym

Young and athletic woman exercising by climbing a wooden platform with dumbbells in her hands, in a gym with machines and exercise equipment.

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