402 Free Urban man Stock Videos

All urban man stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Urban Trendy, Man, Urban, Slow Motion, Medium Shot, Dancing and Portrait.

Young man walking listening to music from his headphones

Happy young man seen in full body in profile walking through the city while listening to music from his headphones, during a sunny day.

Boy walking happily down the street with headphones

Boy walking down the street seen from behind, wearing tennis shoes, a backpack and headphones on his head, during a sunny afternoon.

Bike ride of a couple through a city park

Bike ride of a young couple through a sunny city park.

A man being followed walking in a city

Back view of a short haired man wearing a black jacket with a grey hoodie, walking in the streets of a city with tall buildings and other pedestrians.

Two young men in a dance duel

Two young men competing in a dance off in front of a wall full of graffiti. One of them dances while the other watches.

Man doing tricks with roller skates in a parking lot

Man with a green scarf on his face as a mouth cover, sliding and doing tricks with skates in the parking lot of a supermarket.

A couple's walk after a bike ride

Slow walk of a couple after a bike ride through a sunny park, full of trees and benches.

Young man skating in a parking lot

Young man with a scarf on his face, skating close to the ground in a supermarket parking lot, during the afternoon.

Bike ride as a couple through the streets of a city

Bike ride as a couple through the sunny streets of a quiet city, full of trees and small buildings.

Rolling on roller skates on the ground of a parking lot

Boy on roller skates sliding on the concrete floor of a parking lot, passing right in front of the camera, in a shot at ground level.

Top aerial shot of a skater skating on a half pipe

Top aerial shot of a skater skating on a halfpipe . A young man skateboarding in a skate bowl in a park during a sunny day. Above video made with a drone of a skater doing some skate tricks.

Urban trendy man posing with pink filter

Urban trendy man posing with pink filter. A man wearing a denim jumpsuit and denim pants with black sneakers. Vertical video of a man with a cap modelling with a pink camera filter.

Urban boy with roller skates sliding and spinning in a parking lot

Urban boy with roller skates sliding and spinning on the concrete of a parking lot in a supermarket, during the afternoon.

Skateboarders in an urban area with graffiti

Two friends on skateboards going down a slope when they enter a dark tunnel, in an area with a lot of graffiti during the afternoon.

Urban dancer dancing breakdance

Curly-haired urban man while dancing breakdance on the street floor near a wall with graffiti.

Urban trendy man's portrait with blue background

Vertical video in slow motion of an urban trendy man's portrait putting on a cap, wearing a black turtle neck sweater and black pants and sunglasses. A man in a blue room.

Man stands in the shadows

A young man stands in the dark in front of a window, the only light that enters is from the sun in the window.

Smoky silhouette of a man

The silhouette or shadow of a man standing in smoke or mist.

Young bearded man walking down the street

Bearded man walking down the street, seen in profile, in front of a brick stone wall, on a sunny day.

Man dancing and singing, conceptual shot

A man who wears a hat and urban clothes with sunglasses dances and sings while shapes and colors are projected.

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