1329 Free Dancer Stock Videos

All dancer stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Music & Dance, Dancing, Dance, Music, Woman, Performance and Performing Arts.

Talented gymnast practicing on a balance beam

Skillful experienced gymnast girl in a leotard, practicing her balance on a bar in a dark empty gymnastics gym.

Futuristic looking man using sunglasses is surrounded by lasers

Red and purple lazzers surround a man performing under the moving lasers wearing futuristic sunglasses over a black background

A man sitting beneath laser lights in cyberpunk glasses

A man donning cyberpunk glasses, illuminated by neon laser lights as he dances in a dimly lit room.

Man in cyberpunk outfit stands under laser lights

Laser lights dance of cyberpunk dancer as he stands under neon lasers.

Young woman dancing under a cloud of smoke and a purple light

Woman doing a dance performance in the dark, under a thick cloud of smoke and a dim purple light.

Chest with red light of a contemporary dancer

Close up view of the chest of a woman doing a conceptual contemporary dance with a red light emanating from her chest.

Dancer in the dark back view

Person with short black hair wearing a long sleeved grey shirt dances in the dark before disappearing into a fog.

Group of hip hop dancers

Group of hip hop dancers dancing while looking at the camera in a spot with flashing lights.

Posing under neon laser lights

A dark room with a man wearing cyberpunk glasses squatting while neon laser lights dances around him.

Silhouette of urban dancer in smoke

Silhouette of an urban curly-haired dancer dancing among a cloud of smoke and a light.

Reflection effect of a young woman dancing in rollerblades

Vertical shot of a young beautiful woman on rollerblades dancing in a sexy manner in a retro outfit. Young woman dancing for the camera in rollerblades.

Boy dancing funnily on a green chroma background

Happy boy in casual clothes dancing fun in the center of the scene looking directly into the lens, on a green chroma key background.

Young woman dancing and performing with hands

Vertical shot of a young dancer woman with red lipstick dancing and performing with her hands in a dreamy like environment looking at the camera.

Conceptual contemporary dance of a dancer

Dancing woman on the floor of a photographic background, doing a conceptual contemporary dance, with a red light emanating from her chest.

Young woman dancing and spinning in a dark studio

Young woman dancing and spinning fast moving a blue cloth in her hand, in a dark place under dim blue and pink lights.

A young woman dancing in roller blades on the ground

A young woman on roller blades and a retro outfit is performing at the center of an empty stage while moving lights from a disco ball in the background

Vertical shot of a young woman with red lipstick dancing.

Enveloped in a surreal atmosphere, a young woman adorned in red lipstick mesmerizes the viewer with her enchanting hand movements, as she gracefully performs a dream-like dance in front of the camera.

A young woman walking backguards on roller baldes

A young woman walking backguards on roller blades wearing a retro outfit is performing at the center of an empty stage while moving lights from a disco ball in the background

Young woman dancing in a surreal ambience

A young woman with striking red lipstick dances in a mesmerizing and surreal ambiance, casting a spell on the viewer with her captivating hand movements and dreamy performance as she looks directly into the camera.

Silhouette of a girl dancing energetically in the dark

Young woman dancing vehemently in the dark, illuminated by bars of purple light and surrounded by party smoke.

Pair of talented ballet dancers practicing together

Pair of talented ballet dancers practicing movements together in front of the large mirrors of a rehearsal room.

Electronic cyberpunk mask under neon lights

Dancer wearing an electronic mask captivatingly dancers under the allure of laser lights.

Neon lasers light up a cyberpunk dancer

Neon laser lights move slowly over the silhouette of a man in cyberpunk outfit.

Close up of cyberpunk glasses with neon laser lights

Vertical video of a man in a dark room wearing cyberpunk glasses with neon laser lights dancing off him.

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