141 Free Night Club Stock Videos

All night club stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Night Life, Music, Music & Dance, Party, Dancing, Club and Bar.

People dancing at a night club

Above view in a nightclub full of people dancing, in the roof, there are laser beams, blue and pink canyons circling.

A busy elegant bar

Elegant bar with customers ordering drinks and spending a good time seen from the bar with the bars tender and the waiters attending people.

A young trendy man being recorded dancing in the club with a smartphone

Close up shot of a black smartphone recording a trendy looking street young man dancing against a digital background and mirrors inside the night club.

Audience of a music festival

Time lapse of a music festival audience while enjoying the event dancing, drinking and talking with friends.

Couple of urban models posing for the camera

Women with urban style pose and look at the camera in a spot with neon lights and graffiti on the walls.

Friends chatting while sitting at a party

A man chatting with two seated young women during a party with colored lights, in an old fashioned place.

Party between friends dancing and having fun

Some young friends dancing at a party under colored flickering lights, inside an elegant old house adorned with many classic works of art.

A trendy couple posing in the club for a social media video

A trendy urban young couple poses and dances to the smartphone with digital motion graphics in the background.

Pair of female friends having fun on a night out

Couple of friends having fun on a night out, recording themselves in a nightclub, in a boomerang video.

Woman having fun at a nightclub

Woman wearing a black dress having fun at a nightclub walking through the place.

DJ playing on a stage with LED screens

The silhouette of a DJ playing with a modern turntable on a stage with LED screens with moving lights.

Woman dancing at a party in a fancy old place

A young woman dances with skill and intensity, in the midst of Renaissance paintings in an elegant and ancient place, at a party with colored flickering lights.

A young trendy teen being recorded dancing in the club with a smartphone

Close up shot of a black smartphone recording a trendy looking street young woman dancing against a digital background and mirrors inside the night club.

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