520 Free Performance Stock Videos

All performance stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Performing Arts, Music, Dancer, Musician, Woman, Dance and Dancing.

Talented gymnast practicing on a balance beam

Skillful experienced gymnast girl in a leotard, practicing her balance on a bar in a dark empty gymnastics gym.

Guitarist tuning a pink guitar

Guitarist tuning a guitar, turning the tuning machines of a vibrant pink electric guitar, in a close shot.

Futuristic looking man using sunglasses is surrounded by lasers

Red and purple lazzers surround a man performing under the moving lasers wearing futuristic sunglasses over a black background

Chest with red light of a contemporary dancer

Close up view of the chest of a woman doing a conceptual contemporary dance with a red light emanating from her chest.

Hands of a skillful musician playing a wooden piano

Very close view of the hands of a prodigious pianist playing with great skill the keys of a wooden grand piano.

A man doing jumping tricks at the beach

A man doing jumping tricks. A man wearing swimwear doing a cartwheel and a backflip on the sand near the seashore at the beach on a sunny day.

Blue lasers illuminate a man wearing futuristic glasses

Man performs adance under blue lasers wearing illuminated glasses over a black background

Conceptual contemporary dance of a dancer

Dancing woman on the floor of a photographic background, doing a conceptual contemporary dance, with a red light emanating from her chest.

Playing guitar close up

A person plays an electric guitar with neon lights in the background. Close up shows only the person's hand on the guitar strings.

Low view of a contemporary dancer

Close full shot of a barefoot contemporary dancer wearing black dancing in a dusty abandoned building.

Young woman dances and moves slowly underneath laser lights

Wide range front view of young woman with long dark hair dancing underneath green and purple laser lights.

Girl singing into the microphone

Detail view of a person singing into the microphone, with the background out of focus.

Conceptual performance of a talented contemporary dancer

Conceptual contemporary dance of a dancer with a red light emanating from her chest, on a light colored photographic background.

Contemporary performance of a dancer with light on her chest

Conceptual contemporary dance of a female dancer with a red light radiating from her chest, on a gray photographic background.

Shadow of a saxophonist playing inspired

Shadow of a talented inspired playing saxophonist, dressed smartly in a trench coat and hat, on a blue background.

Young woman dances and moves slowly underneath neon lights

Wide range front view of young woman with long dark hair dancing underneath green and purple neon lights

Young woman slowly dances under neon lights

Wide range shot of a young woman with long dark hair dancing slowly under showering green and purple neon lights

Young woman dancing under neon lights

Close up of a young woman with long dark hair is dancing under green and purple neon lights showering over her

Mime in front of the Eiffel tower

Funny mime with orange cap, in Paris in front of the Eiffel tower, during a clear afternoon.

Man playing guitar in the dark

Close view of the hands of a male guitarist playing an accoustic guitar in the dark on black and white shot.

Urban men making shapes with their hands while dancing

Urban couple, one of them with a blinking led light mask dancing making shapes with his hands, under a blue light.

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