195 Free Band Stock Videos

All band stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Music, Musician, Music & Dance, Performance, Rock, Jazz and Singer.

Hands of a skillful musician playing a wooden piano

Very close view of the hands of a prodigious pianist playing with great skill the keys of a wooden grand piano.

Hands of a talented pianist playing on a blue background

Close up shot of the hands of a talented pianist playing with great skill and rhythm, against a luminous blue background.

Shadow of a saxophonist playing inspired

Shadow of a talented inspired playing saxophonist, dressed smartly in a trench coat and hat, on a blue background.

Drummer playing with great technique in a close view

Very close view of an elegant drummer playing his drums smoothly and with great technique, in a view that blurs it to focus on one of the cymbals.

Drummer playing the drums

A sitting drummer playing the drums with drum sticks, in the background a guitarist with an electric guitar

Bass guitarist and drummer on stage

Rock band video. Video of a man playing the electric guitar and a man playing the drums. Guitarist fingers strum and pluck electric bass guitar. A drummer performing at night during a live concert or event. Drummer wearing glasses. Drummer’s hands while playing drums live performance. Video with gig shallow depth of field. Live rock event. Rock band.

Talented drummer playing seen from very close

Drummer playing his drums with great skill and technique in a close shot, in an elegant old venue with ornate fine furnishings.

Person singing on stage

A young woman wearing a black mini skirt, a red sleeveless shirt and a red Santa hat stands on a stage and sings into a microphone. In the background, a guitar player.

Silhouette of a saxophonist playing on a blue background

Silhouette of a saxophonist playing on a blue background, playing stylishly and dancing, elegantly dressed in a trench coat and hat.

Close-Up: Young Female Singer in Ornate Venue

Camera close up on a young female singer of a band performing in an elegant old fashioned venue with ornate gold furniture.

Close view from below of a musician playing the double bass

Creative shot from below and very close to a talented beret-wearing bassist playing a double bass with great skill and rhythm.

Musician emotionally playing a saxophone

Skilled musician playing jazz on a saxophone with emotion and rhythm, in an elegant and very ornate old place.

Silhouette of a man playing a trumpet

Silhouette of a musician playing his trumpet while dancing to the rhythm of the music, in a vertical video, on a purple background.

Spiritful Saxophonist in Elegant Old Place

Portrait of a talented saxophonist playing with great spirits with an out of sight band, in an elegant old place, with luxurious and golden furniture.

Rock band live performance

Singer on stage wearing a Christmas Santa hat holding a microphone on a stage with lights and her rock band playing a song.

Talented Pianist with Band in Elegant Old-Fashioned Venue

Talented pianist playing a wooden grand piano with skill and technique, along with other musicians in a band, in an elegant old-fashioned venue.

Close view of a keyboard player's hands playing

Close-up view of the hands of a talented keyboard player playing his keyboard with great dexterity, on a dark background.

Feet of a drummer when playing the drums

Feet of a drummer playing a drum kit, hitting the bass drum with great technique and with the other on the pedal of the hi hats and rhythm in a close shot.

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