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Also check out Mother, Mom, Family, Care, Medium Shot, Father and Girl.
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A young father with his little daughter sitting on his lap in nature, giving her a taste of a marshmallow cooked over a campfire from the tip of a branch.
Female doctor in a gown and stethoscope watching a little sick girl at home while talking to her mother, she touches the girl's forehead and points things on a sheet.
Father and daughter sitting in a room surrounded by stuffed animals while watching TV and reacting together with laughter, the father has a small white dog on his legs.
Woman walking on the sidewalk, with her little daughter wearing a pink backpack, surrounded by houses and trees, while the mother carries her daughter in her arms, on a sunny day.
Little girl with her father seen from the back in front of a television with some stuffed animals around, playing a Mario Bros video game, while she explains to him how to play.
The camera follows a young father pushing the bike of her little daughter wearing a pink security helmet and denim overall and then celebrates the achievement with the forest path in the background.
Young Dad and his daughter, lying together while watching something on a cell phone that makes them excited and smile, she makes many gestures with her arms.