507 Free Care Stock Videos

All care stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Love, Mom, Mother, Body Care, Family, Daughter and Lovely.

Cute old couple in a park

Cute old couple, hugging in a park, with many trees, during a sunny day.

Mother and daughters in a kitchen dancing

A couple of girls with their mother in a kitchen dancing and jumping, while cleaning.

Mother and daughter read a book together in a park

Mother and daughter lying under a tree in a park, while reading a book together on a sunny day.

Mother with her little daughter eating a marshmallow in nature

Young mother with her little daughter in her arms sitting around a campfire in nature, while eating roasted marshmallows together.

Female doctor listening to a baby with a stethoscope

Female doctor in her office listening to a baby's chest with a stethoscope, while he hops happily.

Female doctor visiting a sick girl

Female doctor in a gown and stethoscope watching a little sick girl at home while talking to her mother, she touches the girl's forehead and points things on a sheet.

Mother helps her daughter study

Mother helps her little daughter without wanting to study, to concentrate, sitting on a sofa inside her house.

Parents playing with their little son in the park

Parents spending quality time with their young son in a beautiful park during the autumn season.

Mother with her happy daughters

Mother with her two happy daughters, sharing kisses and hugs sitting in an armchair at home.

Sick girl sheltered while drinking a tea

Sick girl sheltered in her bed drinking tea from a cup, while she coughs a little, and puts her hand to her nose.

Father and daughter together watching television with their little dog

Father and daughter sitting in a room surrounded by stuffed animals while watching TV and reacting together with laughter, the father has a small white dog on his legs.

Couple spending time together relaxing

A woman lying on the legs of her boyfriend tells him something about her happily while he strokes her hair.

Cute couple watching a movie on a sofa

Couple in love holding each other on a sofa watching a movie on a laptop and eating popcorn.

Loving mother holding and lulling her baby

Portrait of an affectionate mother lovingly holding, hugging and rocking her little baby with gentle movements while standing at home.

Girl opens a gift

Happy girl opens a gift that her father gave her in the living room of his house.

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