130 Free Newborn Stock Videos

All newborn stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Baby, Mother, Care, Lovely, Mom, Family and Parent.

Baby on the belly of his mother plays and smiles

Baby with jeans and striped shirt smiles on her mother's belly plays in gray pants. In the background one blank wall

Female doctor listening to a baby with a stethoscope

Female doctor in her office listening to a baby's chest with a stethoscope, while he hops happily.

Loving mother holding and lulling her baby

Portrait of an affectionate mother lovingly holding, hugging and rocking her little baby with gentle movements while standing at home.

Close up to the face of a small baby with big eyes

Close up view of the face of a little baby with big black eyes that is lying on his mat near his mother.

Loving mother and her baby playing with soft toys

A mother and baby lying together on a bed at home, playing with a stuffed spaceship and other toys, on Mother's Day.

Portrait of a smiling little baby

Portrait of a cheerful little baby smiling tenderly, dressed in pajamas, sitting on a bed at home, with a soft toy and pillows around.

Mother playing with her baby who is crawling on the floor

Young mother playing with her little baby, holding his feet as he crawls across the floor of his house, in a close up shot of her and her son.

Mom taking care of her baby while playing

Mother with her little baby playing together sitting on the floor of her house, with toys and stuffed animals.

Mother playing with her baby lying on a bed

Young mother playing with her little baby with his pacifier, lying together on a bed, in a close up shot of the baby and his mother.

Close up of a mother feeding her baby

Tender portrait of a mother and her baby, sitting on the ground and holding her little son in her arms while drinking milk from a bottle.

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