783 Free Lake Stock Videos

All lake stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Nature, Water, Forest, Landscape, Aerial, Animal and Mountain.

People pouring a warm drink around a campfire

People sharing a warm drink around a camp fire in the early evening.

Rain falling on the water of a lake seen up close

Raindrops falling on the water of a lake seen in a close-up shot in slow motion, creating round ripples on the surface.

Landscape of a large lake during sunset from the air

Beautiful landscape in a large lake, flying low, passing between its small tree-covered islands, and revealing the yellow reflection of the sunset sun in the water, and on the horizon the silhouettes of an immense mountain range.

Lake surrounded by dry grass in the savanna

Lake in the savannah, seen through a bush of thin dry grasses, during a sunny afternoon, and with the horizon in the background with many trees.

Night sky with stars at a calm lake, time lapse

Night sky with stars at a calm lake, time lapse. Zen water with clouds and stars in motion in the sky.

Group of flamingos on the shore of a lake

A group of flamingos on the shore of a beautiful lake in an environment covered in wet vegetation, during a sunny day.

Sailing down a river surrounded by trees

Slowly cruising down a calm river lined with abundant trees, in a shot that slowly turns down to look out over the water.

Northern Lights of blue and green colors in the night sky

Time lapse of Northern Lights moving in blue and green colors in the night sky

Beautiful sunset on a bay from above

View from the top of a beautiful sunset, revealing the silhouettes of the surrounding relief, with some small land formations surrounding a beautiful lake and a beach, and a mountain range on the horizon.

Turquoise blue water bay from above

Flying over a bay full of beaches, trees, small islands and mountains around, with the turquoise blue sea, during a sunny day.

Loving couple sitting on the shore of a lake outdoors

Loving couple sitting on a log on the shore of a lake outside, sharing an affectionate hug.

Aerial view of a large river

Slow aerial view of a large calm river, surrounded by abundant trees and vegetation, in a slowly rising shot.

Beautiful lotus flower in a lake

Vibrant pink lotus flowers sitting on a still lake with large rain drops splashing around it

Small boat in a great heavenly place

Small boat traveling in the water of a large turquoise blue lake, with islands and formations, and in the background large hills covering the bottom, seen from the sky.

Aurora borealis at dawn

Time lapse of an impressive Northern Lights at dawn seen from a lake between mountains.

Flying over a beautiful tropical landscape

Aerial tour of a tropical landscape, with sea, beach, jungle environments, the sea, and large hills covered with trees, during a sunny day.

Sunset from a pine forest

Setting sun top view of a forest of pine and snow on the horizon, clouds and a long reflecting the light of the sun.

Tree reflected in a pond

Green tree reflected in a pond with water waves and a fish.

Aerial tour above a large river

Aerial tour over a large river with some boats and surrounded by a lot of vegetation, abundant trees, and some houses.

Landscape of a lake during a red sunset

Traveling above the water of a lake, which reflects the purple and pink of the sunset or dusk sky, revealing the dark silhouettes of the different land formations around it.

Touring a lake in nature from the top

Traveling through the air the shore of a lake in a meadow surrounded by the many trees of a forest.

Drops falling into the water of a pond

Water from a pond reflecting the blue of the sky and green herbs, while a few small drops fall creating waves, distorting the reflection.

Ducks around a dirty and polluted river

Some ducks in the grass around a river of dirty, trash-polluted water floating around it on a sunny day.

Couple walk around a lake in nature

Couple walk through nature, with a boy and a girl, around a lake in the middle of a forest.

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