348 Free Cup Stock Videos

All cup stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Coffee, Close Up, Drink, Alcohol, Coffee Bar, Woman and Cafe.

Filling a white cup of coffee

Filling a white cup of coffee, close up in slow motion.

Person on social media while serving coffee

Hand of a person with a cell phone, scrolling images on a social network, while pouring coffee.

Video sequence of the coffee preparation process

Sequence of some videos during the preparation of the coffee, going through the beans being crushed, until finally serving it at a cup.

Cup of coffee on top of coffee beans

Espresso cup on top of many coffee beans, while the composition rotates slowly.

Software developer working while drinks coffee

Software developer working on code on a laptop while drinks coffee from a cup.

Pouring red wine from a bottle, very close view

A persons hand pouring red wine straight from a bottle viewed very closely into a glass goblet, on a black background.

Filling a mug with beer on a dark background

Serving beer in a mug from a glass bottle, while lathering and spilling over the rim, on a dark background.

Water poured into a coffee filter

Water is poured from a silver kettle into a glass cup with a coffee filter, the water mixing with ground coffee beans.

A waiter serves coffee to a customer

A waiter serves coffee from a small coffee pot into one of three cups sitting on a wooden table in a restaurant. A woman with red fingernails wearing a ring, a black jacket and a white shirt takes the cup of coffee and drinks from it.

Bartender serving beer from a tap looking down at his hands

Hands of a bartender pouring beer into a glass straight from a tap, which when filled tightly closes the tap, viewed up close with the wall out of focus in the background.

Cup full of coffee

A white ceramic cup filled with coffee and more drops of coffee drops fall in the center of the cup, creating bubbles.

Coffee beans falling into a coffee pot

Coffee beans slowly falling into a small coffee pot, the beans falling from a ceramic cup.

Leaning glass on a black background filled with red wine

Close-up and profile view of a tilted glass goblet against a black background, as a person pours red wine straight from the bottle.

Barista cleaning a coffee machine

A barista wearing black clothes and a denim apron cleans a large coffee machine and walks away, a green coffee mug sitting on the bar and bags of coffee on shelves in the background.

Demonstration video of a steaming cup of coffee

Demonstrative video of a cup of steaming coffee, decorated with dried fruit and cinnamon, on a surface of coffee beans and a brown background.

Woman working on laptop she drinks coffee

Close-up view of a woman working on her laptop in a coffee shop while drinking coffee from a blue cup.

Group of friends watching a World Cup match

Group of 4 friends of different nationalities watching a World Cup game, with the respective shirt of their countries.

Woman taking a cocktail detail view

Mouth of a woman drinking a red cocktail from a glass, seen in detail.

Latte art

Milk being poured into a mug with coffee, creating latte art.

A woman reading a book at a coffee shop

Woman reading a book and drinking coffee at a coffee shop.

Friends from different countries celebrating a goal

Small group of friends from different countries celebrating a goal, while watching the world cup together at home.

Couple clinking her wine glasses during a romantic dinner

A couple clinking their wine glasses during a romantic dinner, to later drink from them.

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