156 Free Coffee Bar Stock Videos

All coffee bar stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Coffee, Close Up, Friendship, Drink, Friend, Cafe and Friends.

Filling a white cup of coffee

Filling a white cup of coffee, close up in slow motion.

Serving a sparkling cappuccino in a cup

Hands of a worker serving a sparkling cappuccino in a cup in a coffee shop.

Video sequence of the coffee preparation process

Sequence of some videos during the preparation of the coffee, going through the beans being crushed, until finally serving it at a cup.

Coffee powder being poured on the coffee maker filter

Coffee powder being poured into the filter of the coffee machine, seen slowly.

Friends taking a selfie in the cafe

Female friends trying to take a selfie with a smartphone for their social media on a date in a coffee shop.

Date between two girl friends in a coffee shop

Date between two girl friends in a cafeteria, with coffee and bread in one shot from above.

Close up view, serving a sparkling cappuccino

Very close view of an employee serving a sparkling cappuccino, in a coffee shop.

Cup full of coffee

A white ceramic cup filled with coffee and more drops of coffee drops fall in the center of the cup, creating bubbles.

Customers in a minimalist style restaurant

Shot from the roof of an elegant restaurant on a sunny afternoon, there are benches at a bar, people eating in a dining room, waiters coming and going, and ceiling lamps.

Coffee maker making coffee

Preparation of the espresso machine, from preparing the beans and setting up the machine, inside a cafeteria.

A barista preparing coffee with milk and ice

Close up video of a coffee being prepared with milk and ice. A cold drink in a glass over a wooden table. A person pouring milk in a glass with a metal jug. In the background cups with a spoon in the background. Coffee shop on a sunny day.

Barista cleaning a coffee machine

A barista wearing black clothes and a denim apron cleans a large coffee machine and walks away, a green coffee mug sitting on the bar and bags of coffee on shelves in the background.

Students in a cafeteria discussing an assignment

Young students sitting at a table, with cups of coffee, while discussing a task with sheets.

Two friends looking at the cell phone in a coffee shop

Going out between friends to talk in a cafeteria, one of them shows images on her cell phone to the other.

Demonstration video of a steaming cup of coffee

Demonstrative video of a cup of steaming coffee, decorated with dried fruit and cinnamon, on a surface of coffee beans and a brown background.

Pouring coffee in a cup

Centered and close shot of a cup of American coffee being served, on a surface covered by coffee beans, with cinnamon and orange on the side.

Woman working on laptop she drinks coffee

Close-up view of a woman working on her laptop in a coffee shop while drinking coffee from a blue cup.

A woman reading a book at a coffee shop

Woman reading a book and drinking coffee at a coffee shop.

Cup being filled with coffee in a coffee machine

Cup slowly filling with coffee in a coffee machine, in a close-up view.

Hands of a girl with cutlery, eating in a restaurant

Hands of a girl with cutlery, eating in a restaurant, cutting a fried egg with a knife, while having breakfast with another person.

Urban coffee shop

Coffee shop in a corner of a European city at night, with tables on the sidewalk and people walking and crossing the street.

Woman typing on her cell phone

A young brown-haired woman typing a social media message on her smartphone in a coffee shop.

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