306 Free Cafe Stock Videos

All cafe stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Coffee, Coffee Bar, Close Up, Drink, Woman, Cup and Friendship.

Woman typing on her laptop in a coffee shop

A woman with red painted finger nails types on her MacBook Air laptop, on a wooden table next to a cup of coffee, a small coffee pot, books, a vase and cutlery.

A waiter serves coffee to a customer

A waiter serves coffee from a small coffee pot into one of three cups sitting on a wooden table in a restaurant. A woman with red fingernails wearing a ring, a black jacket and a white shirt takes the cup of coffee and drinks from it.

Customers in a minimalist style restaurant

Shot from the roof of an elegant restaurant on a sunny afternoon, there are benches at a bar, people eating in a dining room, waiters coming and going, and ceiling lamps.

Coffee maker making coffee

Preparation of the espresso machine, from preparing the beans and setting up the machine, inside a cafeteria.

Barista cleaning a coffee machine

A barista wearing black clothes and a denim apron cleans a large coffee machine and walks away, a green coffee mug sitting on the bar and bags of coffee on shelves in the background.

Demonstration video of a steaming cup of coffee

Demonstrative video of a cup of steaming coffee, decorated with dried fruit and cinnamon, on a surface of coffee beans and a brown background.

Pouring coffee in a cup

Centered and close shot of a cup of American coffee being served, on a surface covered by coffee beans, with cinnamon and orange on the side.

Urban coffee shop

Coffee shop in a corner of a European city at night, with tables on the sidewalk and people walking and crossing the street.

Two people work in a coffee shop

A woman wearing a grey sweater works on a laptop that sits on a black table, as a young man sitting next to her takes notes. In the background, couches and coffee machines.

Closeup video of an espresso coffee machine

Closeup video of a professional coffee machine in use in a cafe.

Coffee in green mug

A set of hands sets down a green ceramic coffee mug sitting on a green saucer, the contents of the mug contains a decorated cappuccino.

Woman drinking coffee in a cafe

A woman drinking coffee in a cafe reading a book. On the table there is a plate of pastries next to a small coffee machine.

Steaming mug

A clay mug with a spoon inside sits on a table, its contents producing steam.

Serving coffee in a cup at a coffee shop

Person serving coffee in a metal container direct from a coffee maker.

Coffee maker serving an espresso

Professional coffee maker with pressure and temperature gauges that is serving an espresso in a small glass cup.

Coffee bar waiter

A male waiter wearing a black button-up shirt turns to show he is holding a wooden tray with various sized mugs.

Writing notes at a cafe

A person writing on a notebook at a coffee shop next to a coffee glass.

Man taking a lot of coffee beans with his hands

Man taking many coffee beans in his hands, dropping them and re-arranging them on the surface, in a very close shot.

Mixing coffee in a cup seen up close

It takes very close to the inside of a cup of coffee, when a person mixes gently and slowly with a spoon.

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