350 Free Orange Stock Videos

All orange stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Close Up, Texture, Background, Food, Fruit, Drink and Healthy Food.

Fresh sliced fruit placed on a table

Fresh sliced fruit placed on a wooden board on a table, grapes, oranges, peaches, bananas, pineapple, watermelon, and others, as you scoop it up and down.

Lovers holding each other on a romantic sunset

Silhouette of a loving couple holding each other in front of a romantic sunset, with the sky covered with clouds.

Serving juice in a glass with some oranges on a white background

Oranges, a glass and some ices in an image composition on a white background, while they pour orange juice into the glass and the shot opens slowly.

Backlit woman walking at sunset

Silhouette of a woman and a tree while she walks slowly, with the horizon and the setting sun in the background.

Presentation of many fruits and vegetables

Lots of fruits and vegetables including lettuce, pineapple, bell pepper, corn, grapes, and more completely covering the scene, as the shot slowly opens and begins to darken.

Different types of fresh fruit in presentation video

Different types of fresh fruit in video presentation, such as apples, oranges and pineapple, in a natural environment.

Happy girl jumping with a smoke flare

Happy and funny girl jumping in circles with an orange smoke bomb, in a wheat field, during with sunny day.

Multicolor ink swirls in water

Closeup of blue, red, orange, blue and white ink texture under water.

Fresh fruit in a video divided into three

Fresh fruit lemon, pineapple, apples and oranges in a video divided into three.

Abstract red fabric flowing

Closeup abstract video of the texture of a red, flowing fabric.

Sliced fresh fruit in a close up shot

Sliced fresh fruit in a close up shot, such as apples, oranges, pineapple and bananas, in a natural set.

Orange slice on an orange background

Part of an orange slice close up on top of the shot, on a dark orange background, while some drops of water fall from it.

Orange bunch of flowers

Bouquet of orange roses with drops of water on a blue background.

Bright dark orange fabric waving

Bright orange silk fabric that moves across the screen.

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