73 Free Cockatiel Stock Videos

All cockatiel stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Cocktail, Drink, Alcohol, Bar, Bar Tender, Close Up and Working.

A busy elegant bar

Elegant bar with customers ordering drinks and spending a good time seen from the bar with the bars tender and the waiters attending people.

Woman taking a cocktail detail view

Mouth of a woman drinking a red cocktail from a glass, seen in detail.

Experimental cocktail in the bar

Shot focused on a round glass while a man prepares an experimental cocktail from which steam or white smoke comes out, in the end he puts a glass cone in the mouth of the glass.

Barmaid preparing a cocktail in the bar

A cocktail in a glass that is being prepared by an unfocused waitress behind the bar, with glasses and containers around.

Bartender preparing a cocktail

A bar tender prepares a cocktail mixing drinks and alcohol with a shaker next to a glass full of ice at the bar.

Bartender makes an experimental cocktail

Bar tender making an experimental cocktail with dry ice, cylinders with red liquid and a glass bowl on the bar bar.

A bartender preparing a pink cocktail

Bartender dressed in white preparing a pink cocktail cascading it from one glass to another, with a cabinet full of bottles in the background out of focus.

Woman drinking a cocktail

Portrait with ancient filming effect of a woman with red lipstick drinking a red cocktail in a nightclub.

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