340 Free Trucks Stock Videos

All trucks stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Truck, Trip, Aerial, Freight Truck, Road, Transport, Travel and Performance.

Curvy road on a tree covered hill

Curvy road on a tree-covered hill, while cars cross it, seen on an aerial route.

Curve on a snowy forest road

Pickup trucks turning a curve in a highway in a snowy pine forest in Canada.

Excavation crane lifts a rock into a truck

Yellow digging crane lifts a large rock and deposits it in a blue cargo truck

Trailers on a foggy road

White trailers and trucks on a foggy road during the morning.

Man driving through nature enjoying the wind

Man driving through nature between trees and fields enjoying the wind, with his hand outside the window.

Girl and boy enjoying nature during a road trip

Girl and boy enjoying nature during a roadtrip, sitting in the trunk of a truck, being parked on the side of a road in the forest.

Man in the rear view mirror traveling through a forest

Reflection of a man with dark glasses in the rear view mirror traveling by car through a forest.

Truck crossing a desert quickly

Truck speeding across a flat sandy desert, surrounded by hills, in an aerial shot following the truck from behind.

Cars turning in a curve in a snowy forest

Cars turning in a curve that surrounds a rocky hill covered with snow and pine trees on a road in a forest.

Pickup truck crossing a long road in nature

Pickup truck crossing a long road on an extensive plain, covered with water and grass, at an aerial shot.

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