14 Free Countdown Stock Videos

All countdown stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Clock, Number, Digital, New Year, Time, Timer and Close Up.

Digital animation of screens

Digital animation of screens showing film and tv related static distortion and countdowns.

Vintage film roll effect with countdown

Shot of a countdown superimposed on an old roll of film.

Countdown on a digital counter

Countdown from 15 on a digital counter with green numbers and a black background.

Digital stopwatch seen in detail

Countdown digital stopwatch seen from left to right on top of numbers, which are green on a black background.

Urban trendy man, conceptual portrait

A barefoot man in a white and black striped suit with a denim jacket and cap sitting on a bench while projecting a countdown.

Number countdown

Macro shot of a two number countdown on a nixie tube counter.

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