Mogrt is short for Motion Graphics Template and is a single animation exported from Adobe After Effects. For easy, seamless editing, open the .mogrt file template in Premiere Pro via the Essential Graphics Panel.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to use motion graphics templates in Adobe Premiere Pro and edit them in just a few clicks. The process is identical on both Windows and macOS.
If you prefer to learn through video tutorials, check out Premiere Gal’s tutorial of How to install and use Mixkit’s mogrt files for a slide transition:
How to add templates to Premiere Pro
Before you begin, you’ll need:
- Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2020 (Installed)
- A project with at least one sequence
- Your favorite mogrt file downloaded from Mixkit
How to Import the motion graphics
- Open your project in Premiere Pro
- Click Graphics at the top

- Find the Essential Graphics panel on the right side of the screen. If it’s not open already, go to Window > Essential Graphics
- In the right-bottom corner of the panel click on the little template icon “Install Motion Graphics Template”
- Browse to the location of your mogrt file and select it, then click Open

- The motion graphics file may now be found in the Essential Graphics panel under Browse
Tip: If you have more than one mogrt to install speed up the import by putting the mogrt on your Motion Graphics Templates system folder. Here’s where to find the folder:
MAC: username/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/Motion Graphics Templates
Windows (PC): AppData/Roaming/Common/Motion Graphics Templates
How to Edit a Mogrt
- Drag a mogrt from the Essential Graphics panel to timeline.

- Click the Edit tab in the Essential Graphics panel. Here you may customize styling such as the colors, fonts, font sizes and even positioning of the call out anchors.

More Free Premiere Pro Templates
Why stop at just one mogrt file? Explore our gallery of free Premiere pro templates and choose between openers, transitions, social elements, & more. Stumble across a project file? Learn how to download and use a Premiere Pro Project file from Mixkit.