After Effects / project
A 3D motion logo reveal with shape animations.
A cinematic text animation with subtle shape animations and colored text.
Shape animation intro with solid transitions.
A simple flat design with a boxed logo reveal with shape animation.
A fast shape animation intro with a flash transition and heading.
A bold round shape animation leading to a gaming icon and tagline.
A simple twisting shape layer which fades out.
Vacation style opener with masked texts, distorted transitions and video placeholders.
Animated YouTube button with shape layers and channel branding.
Two italic headings with a text field and letterbox animation.
A square grid effect which grows across the frame.
Promotional title template with animated shape layers.
Simple shape animation aimed at with clouds, with clouds and a video placeholder.
Animated shape layer without a fill. Subtle gradient animation and logo placeholder.
A gradient shape layer with a wave effect between clips.
Golden text with a glow effect, blurred red background and orb shape animation.
A transition style product promo with animated shapes, video placeholders and prices.
A dark end-screen for YouTube with two video placeholders and an animated play button.
A creative shape layer intro featuring headings for the names and location.
A delayed frame shape animation with heading and tagline.
Thick round shape with a gradient, heading text and multiple taglines.
Two shape layers with fading text and a tagline prompt.
A shape animation fireworks explosion followed by a main heading, video placeholder and subheading.
A simple controller lower third with a shape animation and place for a gamertag or online alias.
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