178 Free Restaurant Stock Videos

All restaurant stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Close Up, Food, Date, Pizza, Chef, Fast Food and Couple.

Saxophonist playing jazz in an empty restaurant

Black and white video of a saxophonist playing a jazz song in a bar or restaurant.

Editing a restaurant menu template on the computer software

Close up shot of the computer screen whit a restaurant menu design being edited by a professional designer.

Chef preparing a cake in a restaurant kitchen

Chef who wears an apron preparing the dough on an aluminum table in the kitchen of a restaurant.

Young woman eating in a restaurant

Young woman eating in a restaurant while talking and listening carefully to one of her friends.

Breakfast with friends in a restaurant

Breakfast in a restaurant between two friends, while one of them takes salad from the other's plate.

Couple of girls having breakfast together in a restaurant

Two young women friends having breakfast together in a cafe, while they talk very interested.

A waiter serves coffee to a customer

A waiter serves coffee from a small coffee pot into one of three cups sitting on a wooden table in a restaurant. A woman with red fingernails wearing a ring, a black jacket and a white shirt takes the cup of coffee and drinks from it.

Man eating a hamburger

A man wearing a black sweater eating a big hamburger with chips and drinking beer at a restaurant.

Young man giving flowers on Valentine's Day

Young man gives a beautiful bouquet of flowers to his girlfriend during a date in a restaurant.

Putting sauce on pizza dough

Cook putting red sauce on a round pizza dough on a restaurant kitchen table.

Chef shaping a pizza

A cook skillfully works by shaping a pizza dough into a round shape at a restaurant kitchen table.

Chef tossing grated cheese on a pizza

A chef working in the kitchen of an Italian restaurant throws cheese on a pizza dough before it goes into the oven.

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