360 Free Pet Stock Videos

All pet stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Dog, Pet Owner, Animal, Dog Owner, Cat, Slow Motion and Dogs.

Panting dog

A brown and white dog pants and sticks its tongue out.

Man with his dog watching the sunset on the horizon

Man sitting with his dog to the side, he holds out his hand with a ball, while he watches the sunset on the horizon peacefully.

Dog walking with its owner in a park

Slow motion shot of a dog with a dog leash walking with its owner holding it, late afternoon, in a park with people doing sports and houses in the background. Big dog walking next to a man in a park with green grass.

Father and daughter together watching television with their little dog

Father and daughter sitting in a room surrounded by stuffed animals while watching TV and reacting together with laughter, the father has a small white dog on his legs.

Dog and owner playing with a ball in a creek

A person wearing a black baseball hat, a black t-shirt and khaki shorts stands ankle deep in a creek and throws a tennis ball to a yellow labrador retriever. The dog chases the ball, splashing in the river as it runs.

Dog catches a frisbee in mid-air

A black and white dog jumps to catch a blue frisbee in mid-air, with trees and a clear sky in the background and dried leaves on the ground.

Happy couple petting their dog

Happy couple of man and woman, sitting on the porch of a house while petting their dog.

A woman petting and talking with her cat

A woman wearing a colorful striped sweater caresses and talks with a white cat at home.

Cat taking a nap

Little black and white cat is taking a nap on the sofa

Two puppies side by side

Two puppies side by side with their tongues out.

A cute dog inside a car looking around

A cute dog wearing a pearl necklace and a white bow inside a car looking around in slow motion.

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