458 Free Fruit Stock Videos

All fruit stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Food, Healthy Food, Close Up, Fruits, Healthy Lifestyle, Texture and Orange.

Fresh fruit in a video divided into three

Fresh fruit lemon, pineapple, apples and oranges in a video divided into three.

Nutritionist in a kitchen consultation

Nutritionist in a consultation in her patient's kitchen, with fruits and juices on the table, while asking questions and pointing at her table.

Bunch of lemons slowly rotating

Lots of lemons slowly rotating on a green and natural background in a demonstration video.

Sliced fresh fruit in a close up shot

Sliced fresh fruit in a close up shot, such as apples, oranges, pineapple and bananas, in a natural set.

Glass bowl full of red berries seen in detail

Glass container full of blackberries, strawberries and plums, on a wooden table, with more fruit around, while the shot goes in detail from one side to the other of the scene.

Presentation of watermelon slices

Watermelon slices on a wet reflective surface on a yellow background, while a person takes one and bites it back.

Banana bunch rotating slowly

Banana bunch rotating slowly in a close shot, on a background of grass.

Orange slice on an orange background

Part of an orange slice close up on top of the shot, on a dark orange background, while some drops of water fall from it.

Spilling water from a coconut on a yellow background

A person's hand holding half of a coconut on a yellow background, while slowly tilting it, dropping all the liquid inside.

Overlapping lemon slices

Overlapping citrus lemon slices, close up shot.

Tomatoes and broccoli in a greengrocer

Tomatoes and broccoli in a greengrocer with their prices, and behind cabbages and other vegetables out of focus.

Close up view of some fresh apples

Close-up view of some fresh apples, in a shot that slowly pans over them as drops of water fall on them.

Female hands cutting an avocado in the kitchen

Hands of a woman presenting an avocado and then cutting it in two and leaving it on the board.

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