535 Free Eating Stock Videos

All eating stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Food, Animal, Wildlife, Fast Food, Woman, Pizza and Close Up.

Faces of two girls on a friends date in a cafe

Faces of two girls on a friend date in a cafe, eating desserts and milkshakes, chatting and laughing.

Woman eating a slice of pizza in a close up view

Young woman takes a slice of pepperoni pizza to take a bite, in a very close shot that follows the movement of her hands.

Person taking a slice of pizza in a close up shot

Close-up shot of a pepperoni pizza on a table served with plates, cutlery, and drinks, as one person takes a slice.

Woman eating noodles

Old fashion woman with sunglasses eats noodles from a bowl in a kitchen set in the 70's.

Profile of a woman having a healthy lunch

Young woman has a healthy meal, with a sandwich and a salad, on the wooden table inside her kitchen.

Portrait of a young man eating pizza

Young man taking a slice of pizza to eat, in an outdoor dining room with trees in the background, in a close up shot of his face.

Young man watching television while eating

Man sitting on a couch in his living room while watching television with concentration and eating nuggets with dressing, seen from behind the screen.

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