Free Country Stock Music

52 Free Country Stock Music Tracks. Put on your cowboy boots, grab your guitar (and don’t forget the dog!) with this celebration of all things country music.
All audio tracks are completely free and ready to be used in your next project under the Mixkit License.

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Down the Hill

by Michael Ramir C.


It's April

by Michael Ramir C.

Let's Win the Race

by Michael Ramir C.

Under the Sun

by Michael Ramir C.

Yo Chucky

by Michael Ramir C.


Ho Ho Ho

by Michael Ramir C.


Fifth of February

by Michael Ramir C.


A Cowboy's Heart

by Michael Ramir C.

A Peaceful World

by Michael Ramir C.


Baby Yohan

by Michael Ramir C.


Bigger than Texas

by Michael Ramir C.


Fun at the Farm

by Michael Ramir C.


Tim Tom Tammy

by Michael Ramir C.


Let's Play Africa

by Michael Ramir C.


If I Could Then I Would

by Michael Ramir C.


Long Gone

by Michael Ramir C.

Find what you need on Envato Elements

Discover millions of audio tracks, sound effects, graphic templates, stock photos, fonts & more. All with unlimited downloads & simple commercial licensing for any project.

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