360 Free Pet Stock Videos

All pet stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Dog, Pet Owner, Animal, Dog Owner, Cat, Slow Motion and Dogs.

A cute border collie with eye patches patiently panting on the ground

A charming Border Collie with endearing eye patches patiently rests on the ground while panting, exuding a calm and adorable demeanor.

A hand gives the cute Border Collie canine a small treat

A hand extends to offer the adorable panting Border Collie canine a small yet delightful treat, fostering a heartwarming connection.

A cute Border Collie dog panting patiently

An adorable Border Collie canine, with its expressive eyes and endearing demeanor, engages in patient and rhythmic panting.

A blue eyed border collie canine with a spot on his eye is panting

A captivating blue-eyed border collie, with an endearing spot adorning his eye, is joyfully panting over a white background.

A little girl runs trough the forest to greet her dog

A little girl wearing a pink helmet and denim overall runs through the forest to find her little brown dog and then she pets him on the back.

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