1354 Free Music Stock Videos

Our music video collection hits all the right notes with everything from passionate guitar and drum solos to retro sessions with an old boom box. Throw in an accordion, beautiful string instruments, and some nightclub beats, and we’ve got all your music tastes covered. All stock video clips can be downloaded for free, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out 4K Music Videos, Music & Dance, Musician, Dancing, Close Up, Medium Shot, Dance and Performance.

Vibrations on the blue water surface

Video of vibrations in blue water, generating movement patterns in the form of waves.

Ripples in pink water, close up

Ripples in pink water in a vibrating bowl in detailed views.

Young woman smiling at the fair

Young urban woman with dyed blue and pink hair smiling at the camera at the fair during a cloudy day.

Video tape spinning

Video tape rotating, viewed from outside.

Dancing hip-hop on a pedestrian bridge

Young men dancing hip-hop on a pedestrian bridge, with trees by their side and lamp posts, on a sunny afternoon.

Young people dancing hip-hop on the street

Two men dancing hip-hop on the streets. Man with long curly hair wearing a blue shirt dances on the street.

Men dancing break dance

Two urban dancers in a street break dance duel, while one of them dances on the floor the other watches him with smooth dance moves.

Urban men doing a dance duel

Two urban dancers doing a street dance duel in front of a wall with graffiti.

Two happy men dancing Hip-hop

Pair of happy boys dancing on a street with graffiti painted walls, one wearing a hat and the other with long curly hair, seen up close, during the afternoon.

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