535 Free Eating Stock Videos

All eating stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Food, Animal, Wildlife, Fast Food, Woman, Pizza and Close Up.

Green tree and bees on a sunny day

A tree with branches, leaves and green flowers with bees flying and eating from it, in the background a clear blue sky.

A black and orange bug Hemiptera on a green leaf closeup

Closeup shot of a black and orange bug (Hemiptera) on a green leaf. A bug eating, nature insect, insect antennae.

Family celebrating Easter day in a garden

A family of a mother and two daughters eating chocolates during the Easter celebration among decorated eggs.

Face of a man in a bar on Saint Patrick's Day

Very close view of the face of a young man eating snacks and drinking beer in a bar, dressed in a green suit, on Saint Patrick's Day.

A young man with a retro film camera filming the lake

A young filmmaker in knit hat and an earing is holding a old fashined film camera while filming a lake in the distance and mountains on a sunny day.

Young filmaker with a retro film camera on a sunny day

A young filmamaker in knit hat and an earing is holding a old retro film camera while filming a lake in the distance and mointains on a sunny day.

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