363 Free Monkey Stock Videos

All monkey stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Money, Economy, Financial, Currency, Dollar, Crypto, Cryptocurrency and Coins.

Child hands counting cash

Child hands counting cash. A video clip for projects related to financial literacy or teaching the value of money at a young age.

Hands of a man counting coins close up view

Detailed view of a man's hands while holding a few coins, passing them from one hand to the other, with the background out of focus.

Hands of people during a money transaction

Black background when suddenly the hand of a man appears on one side of the hand holding a dollar bill, while the hand of another person takes the bill from the other side.

Man discussing income in a meeting

Businessman expounding on his company's income while pointing to a screen at a board of directors meeting.

Surface while 100 dollar bills fall messily

Close-up view of a surface as they toss 100 dollar bills on top of each other randomly and messily.

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