936 Free Wildlife Stock Videos

All wildlife stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Animal, Bird, Wild, Nature, Africa, Insect and Lake.

Desert time lapse

Time lapse of the desert with clouds quickly traversing the blue sky and casting its shadow in the desert with dry vegetation and cactus

Multicolor frog closing its eyes, closeup shot

Multicolor frog closing its eyes on a trunk at nature, closeup shot. Animal closeup, little frog, toad, anuran, amphibian. Vertical video of a frog.

Green toad breathing with a dark background

A green toad breathing over a trunk with a dark background. A green frog, closing its eyes, Animals at nature.

Black and orange tarantula walking, closeup

A black and orange tarantula walking in slow motion. Hairy arachnid in its habitat.

Green chameleon walking over a log

Green chameleon walking slowly and carefully on a log while it is looking around.

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