458 Free Fruit Stock Videos

All fruit stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Food, Healthy Food, Close Up, Fruits, Healthy Lifestyle, Texture and Orange.

Fresh watermelon cut into parts

Fresh watermelon cut into large pieces on white background, shot in detail shot.

Slow motion video of a fruit and veggie stand

Slow motion video of an outdoor marketplace with people buying fruit and vegetables.

Chopping fruit for a salad

Young woman chopping an apple and some more fruit into slices on a wooden board, preparing a salad for breakfast.

Lemon cut in half dipped in soda

Lemon cut in half or sliced, dipped in soda, full of bubbles around it.

Bunch of purple grapes, close up

Texture of a bunch of purple grapes seen in detail.

Banana slices

Many banana slices placed on top of each other, close up view.

Orange slice dipped in a soda

Close-up slice of orange, submerged in a clear gaseous liquid, covered with small bubbles everywhere, while other very small ones rise and rise to the surface.

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