75 Free Cocktail Stock Videos

All cocktail stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Drink, Alcohol, Bar, Bar Tender, Close Up, Working and Cockatiel.

Person cutting banana for a fruit cocktail

Person cutting banana on top of a wooden board, surrounded by all kinds of fruit, while depositing the slices in a bowl with more chopped fruit.

Cocktail at a bar freshly served

Bartender serving a cocktail in a glass, at a bar counter, bringing the glass closer to the lens, in a close shot.

Homemade margarita cocktail

Margarita cocktail with the frosty rim with salt and a slice of lemon, on top of a wooden table at home.

Martini cocktail with olives

Martini glass with an olive inside, seen from very close, while another olive falls shaking the liquid, on a white background.

A pair of glasses with cocktails

Glasses with ice and cocktails prepared, one in front of the other.

Woman cutting a mango for a cocktail for breakfast

Young woman cutting a mango and other fruit after washing it, while preparing a cocktail for breakfast in a kitchen.

Happy young woman enjoying a cocktail in the pool

A young white-skinned woman wearing a bikini enjoys a drink in the pool while she chats with her friends.

Bartender shaking a cocktail mixer

Bartender in a blue shirt shaking a cocktail mixer, in front of a wooden bar with some glass bottles.

Serving a prepared cocktail at a bar

Hand of a bartender serving a cocktail prepared in a bar, slowly approaching it towards the camera, in a close shot.

Pink cocktail being poured

An empty glass is placed down, a person approaches to pour a pink drink with ice into the glass. The person then decorates the cup with mint leaves, half a lemon and frozen berries. A liquid is poured into the lemon half and the liquid is set on fire.

Serving Gin at home

Person preparing cocktails with gin and ice in crystal glasses at home before a gathering of friends.

Healthy breakfast and smoothie

Bowl with healthy breakfast of cereals with milk and a cocktail of fruits such as strawberry, pineapple and blackberries that is next to a smoothie.

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