535 Free Eating Stock Videos

All eating stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Food, Animal, Wildlife, Fast Food, Woman, Pizza and Close Up.

Border Collie canine eating from a bowl

Close-up shot of a black and white border collie canine eating form a bowl against a white background.

Man eating a slice of pizza

Very close shot of the chin of a young man with braided hair eating a slice of pepperoni pizza, in an outside dining room.

Girl eating healthy

Young woman eating a salad with a sandwich, sitting at a table with her kitchen behind, with a blue placemat.

Girl playing with nutty donuts

Young woman playing with a pair of walnut glazed donuts in front of the camera, smiling at the camera, on a pink background.

Woman eating a slice of pizza

Tracking shot of a slice of pepperoni pizza being eaten by a woman at an italian restaurant.

Face of a happy girl eating ice cream

Face of a happy girl eating an ice cream with a flower, while she laughs and watches another person out of the picture.

Man watching TV while eating nuggets with dressing

Young man sitting on a sofa while eating a nugget to which he puts dressing, while watching television attentively.

Woman drinks water from her glass during her meal

Young woman sitting at a table with a sandwich and a salad, slowly raises her glass with water to drink from it.

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