178 Free Restaurant Stock Videos

All restaurant stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Close Up, Food, Date, Pizza, Chef, Fast Food and Couple.

Portrait of a young man eating pizza

Young man taking a slice of pizza to eat, in an outdoor dining room with trees in the background, in a close up shot of his face.

Fork in fettuccine

Silver fork stinging a fettuccine.

Friends talking in the cafe

Two female friends have breakfast and chat during a morning in an old style coffee shop.

Shrimp burger with french fries

Shrimp burger along with fries detail view.

Man eating a slice of pizza

Very close shot of the chin of a young man with braided hair eating a slice of pepperoni pizza, in an outside dining room.

Burger being prepared with french fries

A burger is made with a fried egg and honey on a white plate with fries on one side.

Veggie salad

Veggie salad in a white dish.

Pepperoni pizza in a close up shot

Freshly made pepperoni pizza in a very close shot moving slowly from side to side, served in the center of a table.

Breaded fried shrimp

Fried breaded shrimp with sesame seeds on a long plate with dressing on the side.

Woman eating a slice of pizza

Tracking shot of a slice of pepperoni pizza being eaten by a woman at an italian restaurant.

Close up shot of a pepperoni pizza on a table

Close and detailed shot of a pepperoni pizza, served in the center of a table, in a slowly receding shot.

Waiter bringing a pizza to a diner

Close-up view of a freshly made pizza being taken by a waiter to serve it to a diner at an outdoor restaurant.

Burger with black sesame

Burger with black sesame, detail view.

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