1354 Free Music Stock Videos

Our music video collection hits all the right notes with everything from passionate guitar and drum solos to retro sessions with an old boom box. Throw in an accordion, beautiful string instruments, and some nightclub beats, and we’ve got all your music tastes covered. All stock video clips can be downloaded for free, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out 4K Music Videos, Music & Dance, Musician, Dancing, Close Up, Medium Shot, Dance and Performance.

Party between friends dancing and having fun

Some young friends dancing at a party under colored flickering lights, inside an elegant old house adorned with many classic works of art.

Audience at a concert

Public dancing at an outdoor concert seen from the stage floor during the night.

Contemporary dancer in neon-lit studio

Slow motion view of contemporary dancer in a neon-lit dance studio.

Hands of a talented pianist playing on a blue background

Close up shot of the hands of a talented pianist playing with great skill and rhythm, against a luminous blue background.

Girl singing into the microphone

Detail view of a person singing into the microphone, with the background out of focus.

Behind the scenes of a young man recording a video

Behind the scenes of a young man recording video at a desk with a piano, laptop, and audio interface.

Girl with Hallowween mask dancing close to the lens

Girl with neon lighted mask, dancing in front and very close to the lens under a flickering party light.

Woman listening to music lying on a sofa

Portrait of a young woman lying on a sofa while listening and enjoying music with her headphones and combing her hair.

Guitarist plays and moves his electric guitar

Close up view of a guitarist playing a song on a spot with colored neon lights.

DJ playing on a stage with LED screens

The silhouette of a DJ playing with a modern turntable on a stage with LED screens with moving lights.

Woman dancing at a party in a fancy old place

A young woman dances with skill and intensity, in the midst of Renaissance paintings in an elegant and ancient place, at a party with colored flickering lights.

Shadow of a saxophonist playing inspired

Shadow of a talented inspired playing saxophonist, dressed smartly in a trench coat and hat, on a blue background.

Old fashion woman dancing at home

Old fashion woman wearing sunglasses in her house dances while she looks at the camera and moves her arms.

Hands raised high on a nightclub dance floor

Video of the ceiling flashing red light in a nightclub. A couple dances with their hands raised to the rhythm of the music. In the background there are people having fun and dancing.

Portrait of a man with mask dancing

Portrait of a man with a mask and fluorescent paint dancing in front of the camera, under a blue party light.

Man playing guitar in the dark

Close view of the hands of a male guitarist playing an accoustic guitar in the dark on black and white shot.

Urban men making shapes with their hands while dancing

Urban couple, one of them with a blinking led light mask dancing making shapes with his hands, under a blue light.

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