360 Free Pet Stock Videos

All pet stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Dog, Pet Owner, Animal, Dog Owner, Cat, Slow Motion and Dogs.

A man and his dog walking in a forest on a sunny day

Front view of a man walking his dog on a forest. A white dog following his owner at nature on a sunny day.

A man walking with his dog in a forest

A man walks with his dog in a forest, low view. A white dog following its owner on a sunny day at nature. A man exploring with his dog.

A dog with its owner in a forest

A dog with a necklace shakes the water in front of a river in a forest next to its owner.

A man walking his dog at a forestin the morning

A man walking his dog at a forest in the morning. A white dog following his owner at nature.

Dog runs to a man

A man kneels in a dirt road with trees in the background and calls out to a white dog that runs towards him, and they both walk off.

A man feeding and peting his dog at a forest

A man feeding and caressing his dog in a forest. A dog being trained with a treat. Dog training.

A man petting a dog in the grass

A man wearing a blue cap is petting and playing with a dog in the grass at outdoors.

A dog and its owner at a park

A yellow dog on a leash stand next to it's owner in a park, both standing still with the sun shining through the trees behind them.

Dog with its tongue out

Dog sitting alone with its tongue out.

Taking care of your dog in the park

Young woman lying on the grass with her little dachshund dog, while appreciating and lovingly petting him, in a park with many trees.

Friends chatting in a park with one dog each

Two young men and women, chatting in a park with grass, trees, benches and others, while they have their dogs each on a leash.

Young woman in a park carrying her schnauzer dog

Girl in the nature of a park surrounded by trees, while holding her little gray schnauzer dog, while petting and kissing its head.

Dachshund dog while hands caress it

Focus on the head of a dachshund dog looking directly at the camera as it turns everywhere and a person's hands hold it and caress its hair and ears.

Girl sitting at a fountain with her dog aside

Girl sitting on the edge of a fountain in a park, with her dog at her side while lovingly petting him, and the camera pans from side to side.

Pet owner spending time with his little dog in a park

Girl sitting on a log in a park, with her little dog on one side, while she points to something in the distance.

Girl kissing her little dog in a park

Young woman kneeling in the middle of a park with grass and trees, while she carries her little dog, and gives her tender expressions of affection.

A border collie dog pants to the camera and then leaves over a blue sky backdrop

In a heartwarming moment of canine charm, a vibrant border collie, its intelligent eyes gleaming with enthusiasm, pants playfully as it gazes directly into the camera.

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